Founder's Notes: July

3min read

Each month I write a personal reflection on the month gone by, some musings and thoughts on running a start up in the age of...

Well - after possibly the sweatiest month of the year, I thought it was about time to pour an ice-cold kombucha and share an update from Fix8 HQ.

A round up of Summer so far:

  • Our Brew Boys! Chris graduates from Fix8 and welcome (officially) to Laurie
  • Gut Health Galore
  • Exciting Summer Launches
  • Final Words

Chris Graduates & Welcome Laurie

We first met our head brewer Chris when he was brewing beer at Partizan in Bermondsey. 

We were instantly impressed by his trendy dungarees, luscious blonde locks, and unforgettable Irish accent, and of course, total brewing know-how. 

Chris joined Fix8 almost at the inception in 2018. Before him, I was brewing in a hydroponic tent (yes, it was the only way we could control the temperature and also yes, it’s what most people grow marijuana in!). Safe to say it was not a sustainable set up, but we all have to start somewhere right?

Chris has been absolutely instrumental at transforming our brewing process, growing with us from a few jars in a tent, to a fully functioning brewery set up. He’s brewed bespoke kombucha, kombucha beer, kombucha cider and much more. We will miss him greatly and wish him all the best in his new role at The Kernel Brewery! 

Chris in his element.

This moves me onto welcoming Laurie. Laurie joined us on the Kickstart scheme and has been hugely important in growing Fix8 in the past few months. A former chef at Caprice Holdings, nothing stopped him getting stuck straight into his new role and the world of kombucha. 

We are so pleased to welcome him to the Fix8 team. Stay tuned for  another exciting announcement coming later this month…. 

Fancy coming to meet Laurie at the brewery and having a tour of our space? Get in touch! 

Laurie and one of our epic SCOBY's at Fix8 HQ in Lower Sydenham


Gut Health Galore

I’ve become (re-)infatuated with Gut Health and have been diving into all sorts of podcasts, books and trying out different supplements. Did you know we are 99% bacteria and 1% human cells? Mind blowing. 

This month I’ve been reading The Gut Stuff, trying out Symprove, and next up on the list is Aguulp. Of course, washed down with a Fix8 Kombucha. In my learnings, I rediscovered that kombucha is both pre and probiotic, which makes it a SYMBIOTIC! And knowing how important your gut is for your mood, immunity and serotonin levels (happy hormones) - it’s safe to say I'm packing in as much of the good gut stuff I can at the moment.

New Fix8 Partners

We are super excited to go live in some pretty awesome venues this summer.

We’ve launched across Barworks, CitizenM Hotels, Honi Poke and The Good Club. Watch this space for more exciting launches coming this month!

Final Words

A final shout out goes to the two year work anniversary of my dear friend Helen, who many of you will know by now as a crucial member of the Fix8 Family by now! 

Helen started with us (as a favour) packing boxes at the Fix8 brewery in 2019. Well, it’s now 2021, and she has covered all bases of the business from packing to production to marketing and everything in between.

Helen has become part of the Fix8 DNA, so we felt it due time to promote her role to Deputy Head Fermentalist! 

We love you Helen, and I cannot wait to celebrate many more fermental days together.

Helen enjoying her current fav, Strawberry Tulsi, in Cornwall.

That’s it for now, here’s to the rest of a sunny summer, and many more cold kombucha moments ahead.

Freya x

  1. CBD - What is it, and what are the benefits? Meet Love Hemp!

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  2. Founder's Notes: July

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  3. Health Benefits of Kombucha Explained #5

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